Lirion EMIS designed to manage all the information relating to students, registration, transfer between institutions, evaluations formative, periodic qualifications, exams, parent data, special needs, health situation, etc.
Google For Education is a free educational platform for blended learning. It is part of the Google Apps for Education Suite, which includes Google Docs, Gmail and Google Calendar This platform allows unlimited use of any GSUITE tool for content creation.
Massively import enrollment information (courses, classes)
Manages the medical information of the students sent by the guardians.
Manages the medical information of the students sent by the guardians.
Provides effective communication between guardians, students and school.
Allows you to manage information on the status of the facilities and the location of the rooms, etc.
Allows you to manage collections and billing in order to have clarity about the accounting status.
● Highly fast implementation: thanks to the variety of massive migration tools and the integration between the two systems, the educational institution can have in a very short time the complete structure of content created in CLASSROOM, so that teachers only focus on pedagogical aspects and educational content.
● Pedagogical variety: CLASSROOM allows you to load varied contents that translate into endless pedagogical possibilities that the teacher can generate to address the education he teaches in a more equitable way, including tools for special education.
● Curricular guarantee: The institution has full control over the educational sequence that teachers carry out for their students.
● Control boards: LIRION provides interfaces, alerts and reports for curricular follow-up and management of evaluation results, so that the educational institution can take timely the corrective measures and incentives that they need
● Communications and requests: Lirion’s communications management provides functionality so that guardians can express their concerns and communicate in time with teachers and other institution staff.
General evaluation of the state of the institution, gathering of educational information and delivery of templates for mass upload
Massive import of the data in LIRION from the templates, correction and import validation.
Sending the information to the Google CLASSROOM validation and implementation of the corporate platform
Loading of the existing content and delivery of the platform configured for the loading of the remaining content.
Training for teachers for the generation of the remaining contents and use of the tools to teach and monitor the classes