Human Resources

Manage staff attendance on a single platform.

Solicitudes de Personal

Personnel Requests

Allows staff to make their own requests for tardiness, or leave with approval from their superiors.

Administración de turnos

Shift Management

Create, modify, assign staff shifts.

Gestión de Asistencia

Assistance Management

Modify staff attendance news.

Reportes detallados

Detailed reports

Assistance reports, overtime, extended hours, holidays, disability calculation, compensatory, vacations and more.

Human Resources Management

It allows you to carry out the planning, organization and administration of your organization’s personnel, ensuring a better quality working life, an increase in the satisfaction of the people employed and a better relationship between departments and the different hierarchies.

Payroll and Human Resources

Based on rules of labor concepts based on the labor code, carry out massive or individual payroll processes as the case may be, in the same way digitally manage the file of each collaborator, issue reports and control and management reports.

Human talent

Incorporate new members to the workforce and also develop existing human resources at a professional, human and family level. Talent management seeks to highlight those people with high potential and strategic value.

Performance evaluation

It shows the Lirion system performance evaluation methodology, which will help you register and/or modify the factors to be evaluated, how to carry out an evaluation per worker and print the final result of it.

Personnel Actions

Management of requests or personnel actions that each of the collaborators of your organization can carry out directly in the system, avoiding paperwork and helping to give quick answers to the collaborator.


Have control of shifts, attendances and absences of your staff, generate reports with details of attendance and summary of attendances that allow you to know the movements of personnel and the justification of absences, tardies, permits, vacations, compensatory time.

Structure (MEF)

module for use by the public administration register all the information corresponding to the structure of a certain position, control the assignment and status of the positions.

Agreements and Minutes

Generate an Agreement or Certificate from a template already created in the system, as well as the creation of new templates. (Vacation Resolution, Labor Certifications, Takeovers, among others)

Some of the organizations that use Lirion